『 Banshee 』

「 Little Nightmares - The Death Waltz 」


『 Name 』Banshee

『 Age 』Child

『 Species 』Objecat

『 Object 』Broken mirror

『 Occupation 』a babby

『 Status 』N/A

『 Parents 』Menhera + Dullahan

『 Masterlist Entry 』#570 (TBA)

『 Voice 』Moneca Stori

「 About 」

A young little kit who can be found deep within the woods... legend says that those who hear her sobbing should turn the other way. Should she shriek when someone comes near, that means someone's death is about to occur. While she herself isn't a harbringer of death, Banshee still weeps for those unfortunate souls as she herself is quite softhearted, taking after her mother's more gentle demeanor. When around loved ones, she worries that another shriek might come out of her mouth any minute...


Design Notes:

- Dark circles under eyes!

- Her paws have dark spots, just like her mother Menhera.

- Her cloak is torn and has holes; she feels no need to replace it though.

- Ribbon in hair is not optional!

- Has sharp teeth!

- Has a celtic tree on her compact mirror with amethyst gyms.


- Very softspoken; her voice is as soft as a whisper, some even assume that she's mute. That being said, be careful whenever her voice begins to become shrill and earpiercing...

- Footsteps are... very quiet. Almost nonexistant.

- She'd talk nonstop about how much she loves Halloween if given the chance.

- A little superstitous so she has her own little rituals she does every day to make sure things go well. Despite that, she adores black cats and learning about witchy stuff!

- Like her mother, she likes to take naps during the day... sometimes really long naps.


Name | Status | 🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍

"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua."

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Cras ornare arcu dui vivamus. Ultrices vitae auctor eu augue ut lectus arcu bibendum at. Velit aliquet sagittis id consectetur purus ut faucibus. Dictum non consectetur a erat. In dictum non consectetur a erat. Sit amet purus gravida quis blandit turpis cursus in. Orci phasellus egestas tellus rutrum. Rhoncus aenean vel elit scelerisque mauris pellentesque pulvinar pellentesque. Praesent semper feugiat nibh sed. Eu tincidunt tortor aliquam nulla facilisi cras fermentum odio eu.

"What I think of you..."
"What I think of you..."

Name | Status | 🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍

"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua."

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Cras ornare arcu dui vivamus. Ultrices vitae auctor eu augue ut lectus arcu bibendum at. Velit aliquet sagittis id consectetur purus ut faucibus. Dictum non consectetur a erat. In dictum non consectetur a erat. Sit amet purus gravida quis blandit turpis cursus in. Orci phasellus egestas tellus rutrum. Rhoncus aenean vel elit scelerisque mauris pellentesque pulvinar pellentesque. Praesent semper feugiat nibh sed. Eu tincidunt tortor aliquam nulla facilisi cras fermentum odio eu.

"What I think of you..."
"What I think of you..."



Photo references


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